The layout here is naturally done by Wei Wuji. He moved the Yin pulse that the late emperor enjoyed exclusively for one person here through array method, and provided it to a large number of corpse soldiers to catalyze their growth.

See this kind of situation, who mowgli will understand, resin soldiers have developed, at present, his vanity, toward the bottom of a press, set time, golden ofuda escaped from the body of resin soldiers, have exploded, issued a crackling sound. As soon as ofuda was separated from the body, these corpse soldiers regained their freedom […]

The three of them came to Zhu Rong’s little sister and were about to say goodbye. Zhu Rong’s little sister’s eyes were fixed on the broken sword in my hand. Before we could speak, she said, "benefactor, can you show me your sword?"

Chapter 123 Meet wandering souls again I saw Zhu Rong’s little sister ask so solemnly that I thought there must be something wrong, so I handed her the broken sword. Zhu Rong little sister gently caressed the blade with her hand, her eyes closed slightly, as if feeling something. The three of us watched her […]

According to the encyclopedia of the Association of Silk Association, a rank identity order is worth 20 pieces of identity, which makes Xingqi feel numb when he thinks about it. After that, these six-star king masters are rushing to take care of these Junjie.

Xingqilai decided not to give blood to the venerable Yang, and now he knows that this venerable Yang has caused so much trouble, and of course he is more determined to participate in the competition and qualify. Xingqi also wants to meet the strong people in various places. This competition is also a good opportunity […]

I cann’t believe I met two robbers. Han Yang heart dark scold at the same time also secretly surprised his premonition just now I didn’t expect to return true his mama met disaster.

Han Yang raised his hands and said, "You two are foreigners, aren’t you? My younger brother is from the orphanage. The total money added up is not enough to take a taxi, otherwise I wouldn’t risk taking a shortcut back." "Damn it, cut it without money!" The robber who covered his face in front cursed, […]

Lu Xinyi’s pressure comes not only from Miyun Sect, but also from Zhu Lan’s own elders and relatives, which can’t be cut down by broadsword films. Zhu Lan’s own knot is also difficult to untie. What should I do?

After much consideration, Lu Xinyi lost her pride and coldness in the past, and became an ordinary girl who was sentimental and swayed by considerations of gain and loss. At this time, she did not find that the noise around her was gradually quiet, and countless excited faces looked in the same direction, with tears […]


Deep in the pure white clouds There are also a large number of figures looming, some as huge as mountains and some as small as dust. "Five Dynasties of Rivers and Mountains" You can easily see them by raising your head. At the same time The influence of each contestant here is gradually declining. Such […]


Chapter 32 Promote to a higher position and make a fortune. When Eric Suen Yiu Wai and others returned to heaven, the worse people had gathered a dark head, and it was Emperor Yu and the Queen Mother who stood side by side outside the worse people, and the fairies on both sides covered themselves […]

Without the protection of Master Dan, the Qi of Heaven nourished by the spirit pulse seems to have sensed something, and it began to roll violently, and yet a strange roar emanated from it. The spirit pulse is slightly shaking, as if to come back to life.

Wang Guang didn’t delay time. He threw out the red sand bursts with a bite of his teeth and tried his best to encourage mana to begin to absorb. Under this full absorption, another diabolical surprise appeared in front of his eyes. I saw the endless air and water in the sky generally drilling into […]